
January 2, 2018 The word sends a chill into a conversation, fear into the mind, empathy into the heart, memories into the consciousness. Two weeks ago my wife Joy was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. Our consciousness harbors the word in the background behind every conversation, every game or movie on Read more…


December 17, 2017 How does your society dispose of its trash, garbage, refuse, waste? Well, much of the human waste and other organic things are processed, sanitized and redistributed. How about the other stuff? Some people recycle aluminum, paper and some kinds of plastics. But mostly we just throw it Read more…

“Happy Holidays”?

The other day I heard another Christian complimenting a clerk on saying, “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays.” There are even songs out complaining about “Happy Holidays.” I’m not inclined to take that road at all. I think many professing Christians are just what I call “Bumper Sticker Christians.” They Read more…