January 5, 2018

I’m talking about our health once we reach our 60s. There are sometimes good things about being sick or injured. No, I’m not talking about life-ending incidents, but the everyday inconvenience of our health being less than optimal and our comfort level much below what we hope for.

You see, once you have passed the magical age of 60 (for most of us it occurred a few years earlier), your health will never be what it once was. You cannot run as fast, swim as far, eat as much without gaining weight, or keep up with children as you used to. Once you have reached that point in your life your health is on the downhill side. Your health will continue to decline until death — unless you get sick or injured. Then, suddenly you have hope. You will improve. You will heal. You will get better. The pain will subside. The optimism returns.

The good news is that once you’re on the downhill side of 60, sickness and injury give you hope and optimism. Praise God for it! And quit moaning to your spouse.

(Incidentally, the reason time seems to pass faster than it did when you were young is that you pick up speed going downhill.)

by Ken McGarvey

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